
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
17 - Questions 2
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Episode 17 sees the return of last season's Questions format. Each contributing voice answers one question and then asks a question for the next voice to answer. The episode is a chain of questions and answers, and you never know where the topics will lead.
It would be great (and so very helpful) if you could subscribe, rate and review WMA on iTunes, and please spread the word. Share WMA with someone you think would like it.
New episodes every second Sunday (three more to go)!

Sunday Nov 27, 2016
16 - Dirty Little Secrets
Sunday Nov 27, 2016
Sunday Nov 27, 2016
Thank you for listening to the Grief episode, and thank you to everyone who let us know what it meant to you.
Episode 16 is a weird one. All of our contributing voices share things they don't usually tell anyone, and they are doing so on the condition that their voices are altered enough to protect their anonymity. The end result is a collection of very personal stories and anecdotes told by what sounds like ogres and leprechauns. So while the presentation is quite surreal, the stories are compelling.
It would be great (and so very helpful) if you could subscribe, rate and review WMA on iTunes, and please spread the word. Share WMA with someone you think would like it.
New episodes every second Sunday (four more to go)!

Sunday Nov 13, 2016
15 - Grief
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
In our first double-length episode, three contributing voices share very personal stories of losing parents and how they continue to process and live with the loss. Please be advised that it's a lot to take in, and some of you may find the stories triggering.
This episode was produced in cooperation with Andrea Kwan Counselling Resources. Andrea specializes in grief counselling and education, and she can be found at andreakwan.com
It would be great (and so very helpful) if you could subscribe, rate and review WMA on iTunes, and please spread the word. Share WMA with someone you think would like it.
New episodes every second Sunday (five more after this one, in fact).

Sunday Oct 30, 2016
14 - Cooking
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016

Sunday Oct 16, 2016
13 - Danger!
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Unlucky episode 13 is about danger in a variety of forms. Wild animals! Hypothermia! Dangerous driving! Crippling anxiety! Police brutality, and Very Bad Decisions! Screw your courage to the sticking place and hit that download button.

Sunday Oct 02, 2016
12 - Grandparents
Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Sunday Oct 02, 2016

Sunday Sep 18, 2016
11 - Proposals
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Welcome to season 2 of We Muse Aloud. In this episode, our contributing voices are three married couples sharing stories of their proposals. It's very romantic.

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
10 - Bodies
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
09 - Grudges
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016

Sunday Jun 05, 2016
08 - Questions
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
This episode adopts a format where the first voice is asked a question; they answer, then provide a question for the next voice. The entire episode is a chain of questions and answers, and the topics vary.
It would be great (and so very helpful) if you could subscribe, rate and review WMA on iTunes, and please spread the word. Share WMA with someone you think would like it.
New episodes every second Sunday, although after episode 10, WMA will be going on hiatus until the fall.